Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Karriere (Career)

I first discovered this local art journal a month or so ago. For a free newsprint rag, I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the essays. They are kind of "art essays lite," but yes, real essays, with legitimate footnotes, and well chosen images... unlike so many of the free rags I pick up here in Copenhagen which usually display the same new designer chair by HAY (or/and) party pictures of early 20 something hipsters sporting the latest color of Cheap Monday jeans. The journal also promotes Karriere the place... which is, in fact a Bar/Cafe/Restaurant located in the former meatpacking district. (I'm wondering now, where the meatpacking district might have moved?) Anyway, I finally went to check it out this past Saturday partly because they have several art pieces incorporated into the everyday function of the place... and these are some heavy hitters too. Lights by Danish artist Olafur Eliasson. A dividing screen/wall by Dan Graham, a chrome floor and "dancer pole" by Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija, a piece by ? with a what's behind door number 2 scenario wherein one opens a door only to find 5 identical doors, of which one opens to another corridor with 5 identical doors-- out of about 15 or so doors, only about three of them are actually doors that lead to a bathroom, and finally a piece by ? that is completely out of place. Not only does it seem like something out of a first year college sculpture class, it also reminds me of something from the movie beetlejuice. (Go to Flickr to see some photos since I didn't have my camera) I'm sure you will have no trouble picking out the beetlejuicy piece with dangling watch-a-ma-jigs! The place really did turn into quite the jam packed DJ driven club at midnight...

**I just discovered that if you go to the second page of results from the flickr link above you will see the crazy bathroom piece I mentioned... it's called Passage.**

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